Mozilla Firefox 3.6 全语种正式发布

系统 浏览器
Firefox 3.6刚刚由Mozilla面向Windows、Mac和Linux正式公布,并且已经包含所有语种。

Firefox 3.6刚刚由Mozilla面向Windows、Mac和Linux正式公布,并且已经包含所有语种。

本次发行的版本和昨日提前存放在Mozilla FTP releases文件夹的版本完全一致,绝大多数计划中的3.6功能已经实现,但是“Electrolysis”特性,也就是进程隔离技术将在下一次更新中出现。

* Personas - hover over themes to see what they'd look like and apply them to your browser
* Out-of-date plugin notifier - tells you when a plugin, such as Flash, is out of date and directs you to an update source
* Full-screen video - if you are using HTML 5 to view embedded Ogg videos, you can now view them in full screen
* Web open font format - allows for smaller-sized font formats, allowing sites to load fatster, with the intended fonts
* Desktop Orientation Sensors - allows your browser to know when your computer is being moved and can adjust the picture accordingly
* Speed - the browser, as a whole, is 20% faster than Firefox 3.5.x, making it the 2nd fastest browser, behind Chrome (source: Lifehacker)

下载:Mozilla Firefox 3.6


  1. Firefox VS IE安全漏洞
  2. Mozilla Firefox浏览器现多个远程安全漏洞
责任编辑:庞桂玉 来源: 腾讯科技

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