Mozilla Firefox 3.6 RC2 发布

系统 浏览器
Mozilla今天终于提供了Firefox 3.6 RC2候选版本的下载。Firefox 3.6基于新版渲染引擎Gecko 1.9.2,针对Web开发、扩展开发和终端终于都有大量改进。

Mozilla今天终于提供了Firefox 3.6 RC2候选版本的下载。Firefox 3.6基于新版渲染引擎Gecko 1.9.2,针对Web开发、扩展开发和终端终于都有大量改进。

通过多个Beta测试版,Firefox 3.6为运行在较小设备上的操作系统进行了优化,比如Windows CE和Maemo。Firefox 3.6 RC2在之前版本的基础上对浏览器的稳定性和安全性方面进行了完善,修正了一些Bug问题。Firefox 3.6集成了对Personas的支持,点击一下即可改变浏览器皮肤,改进JavaScript性能、浏览器整体响应性和启动速度,支持新的CSS、 DOM、HTML5 Web技术……

下载:Mozilla Firefox 3.6 RC2

  • Made some changes to how we allow third party software to integrate with Firefox in order to prevent crashes.
  • This release candidate is available in more than 70 languages - get your local version.
  • More than 70 fixes from the last beta to improve performance, stability, security and features.
  • The ability to run scripts asynchronously to speed up page load times.
  • Users can now change their browser's appearance with a single click, with built in support for Personas.
  • Firefox 3.6 will alert users about out of date plugins to keep them safe.
  • Open, native video can now be displayed full screen, and supports poster frames.
  • Support for the WOFF font format.
  • Improved JavaScript performance, overall browser responsiveness and startup time.
  • Support for new CSS, DOM and HTML5 web technologies.

Developers can find out about all the changes and new features at the Mozilla Developer Center.


  1. Firefox VS IE安全漏洞
  2. Mozilla Firefox浏览器现多个远程安全漏洞
责任编辑:庞桂玉 来源: Sina

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