Mozilla Firefox 3.5.7、3.0.17同时发布

系统 浏览器
Mozilla Firefox是一个自由的,开放源码的浏览器,适用于Windows, Linux 和 MacOS X平台。它还有其它一些高级特征,如标签式浏览,可以禁止弹出式窗口.内置了钓鱼保护......

Mozilla Firefox是一个自由的,开放源码的浏览器,适用于Windows, Linux 和 MacOS X平台。它还有其它一些高级特征,如标签式浏览,可以禁止弹出式窗口.内置了钓鱼保护、改变标签浏览行为、能够重新打开以外关闭的标签、更好的支持网页订 阅的预览和订阅、拼写检查、支持JavaScript 1.7等.

下载:Mozilla Firefox 3.5.7

下载:Mozilla Firefox 3.0.17

Firefox 3.5.7 fixes the following issues:

Fixed a common stability issue.

Fixed a problem with how updates were being presented to users.

Please see the complete list of changes in this version. You may also be interested in the Firefox 3.5.6 release notes for a list of changes in the previous version.

Firefox 3.0.17 fixes the following issue:

Fixed a problem with how updates were being presented to users.

See the Firefox 3.0.16 release notes for changes in previous releases.

See the complete list of bugs fixed.


  1. Firefox 3.5 RC1 带数字签名版发布
  2. Mozilla宣称FireFox 3.5将比3.0版快两倍
  3. Firefox 3.7将会 很快 “非常快”

【责任编辑:faya TEL:(010)68476606】

责任编辑:赵宁宁 来源: cnbeta

2011-03-22 09:28:23

Firefox 4发布Mozilla

2010-01-22 11:10:21

MozillaFirefox 3.6

2013-11-27 10:32:42

FirefoxFirefox 26.

2013-12-04 16:21:57

FirefoxFirefox 26

2013-11-06 11:46:25

2013-10-30 13:30:29

2013-11-20 15:20:41

FirefoxFirefox 26

2012-09-29 10:24:14

Firefox OS

2012-10-08 09:34:49

MozillaFirefoxWindows 8

2011-12-20 10:50:29


2010-01-22 09:04:02

Firefox 3.6新版发布

2010-01-18 09:05:55

Firefox 3.6下载

2013-04-03 10:26:45

Mozilla Fir

2012-06-04 16:29:48


2012-07-18 10:06:45


2009-07-01 09:52:09

Firefox 3.5

2011-05-05 09:17:41

Firefox 5.0

2012-11-21 09:44:02

Mozilla Fir

2010-03-25 09:19:56


2009-04-24 09:09:55

