对于.NET Framework的强大的功能,相比大家都应该有所了解了。那么如何才能正确的应用它来帮助我们实现代码的编写呢?其前提要素就是.NET Framework配置的相关操作。下面将会为大家详细介绍其中步骤。#t#
.NET Framework配置1.操作系统
.NET Framework 3.0 RC1适用与以下三个操作系统
(1).Windows 2003 + SP1
(2).Windows XP + SP2
(3).Windows Vista RC1 (不推荐使用Vista:版本不稳定,没有中文版,虚拟光驱不好用)。
.NET Framework配置2.安装运行时组件(dotnetfx3.exe 50M)
Microsoft Pre-Release Software Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 - Release Candidate
(1)Vista RC1自带运行时,无需安装。
Installation To start the installation process, you will need to run the download file; this will initiate the installation of the .NET Framework 3.0 Release Candidate; If you have troubles with the download manager, you can download the entire package for x86 or for x64 which are both .EXE files.
.NET Framework配置3.安装Visual Studio 2005
.NET Framework配置4.安装软件开发包
Windows SDK Release Candidate 1 (RC1) :(6.0.5536.0.2.WindowsSDK_Vista_RC1.DVD.Rel.img 1.15G)
.NET Framework配置5.安装相对应的开发模板
Visual Studio 2005 Extensions for .Net Framework 3.0 RC 1 (vsextwfx.msi 3.7M)
.NET Framework配置6.安装工作流开发模板(可选)
Visual Studio 2005 Extensions for Windows Workflow Foundation Release Candidate 5 (Visual Studio 2005 Extensions for Windows
Workflow Foundation RC5(EN).exe 6.6M)
.NET Framework配置安装完成后 就可以在新建项目中看见了。