(1) 使用SessionMode 来使Session有效化
- [ServiceContract(SessionMode
SessionMode=SessionMode.Required)] - public interface ICalculator
- {
- [OperationContract(IsOneWay=true)]
- void Adds(double x);
- [OperationContract]
- double GetResult();
- }
(2)ServiceBehavior 里面利用参数InstanceContextMode设定到底使用哪一种Session方式
- [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode
InstanceContextMode=InstanceContextMode.PerCall)]- public class CalculatorService:ICalculator
- {
- private double _result;
- public double Result
- {
- get { return _result; }
- set { _result = value; }
- }
- public void Adds(double x)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("The Add Method is
invoked and The current SessionID is
{0} ",OperationContext.Current.SessionId);- this._result += x;
- }
- public double GetResult()
- {
- Console.WriteLine("The GetResult Method
is invoked and The current SessionID is
{0} ", OperationContext.Current.SessionId);- return this._result;
- }
- public CalculatorService()
- {
- Console.WriteLine("CalculatorService
object has been Created ");- }
- ~CalculatorService()
- {
- Console.WriteLine("CalculatorService
object has been destoried ");- }
- }
WCF状态保存SessionMode 有三种值:
(1)Allowed 默认选值,允许但不强制使用Session
(2)Required 强制使用Session
(3)NotAllowed 不允许使用Session
WCF状态保存InstanceContextMode 有三种值:
(1) Percall 为user的每一次调用生成一个SessionID
生命周期:调用开始 ---->调用结束,这种情况和不使用Session是一样的
(2) PerSession 为每个用户生成一个SessionID
生命周期:客户端代理生成--->客户端代理关闭 和最原先的Session是一样的
(3) Seigle 生成唯一的SessionID,所有的用户共享 从host创建---->host 关闭,和Application 一样