Google本月初收购了VoIP公司Gizmo5。然而很快Linux用户就在论坛反映他们无法下载Linux版客户端,官方下载页虽然提供了Windows、Mac、Linux客户端,但只有前两者能下载,Linux下载链接已经失效(有人发现另一地址还可下载Linux客户端)。在Google正忙于开发基于linux的操作系统Chrome OS之时,Google却在其它方面显示出对linux商业潜力的信心不足。
"Evidence on the Gizmo5 forum (login required) confirms that since Google's takeover of Gizmo5, only the Windows, Mac, and iPhone clients are available for download from the official Web page. The Linux download link no longer works. This is a potential problem for happy Linux users with paid-up credit in their Gizmo5 accounts if they need to reinstall the software. A back-door download is still available, although it is speculated on the forums that it will go away soon. Does this mean that (as with other Google projects such as Google Talk) Linux will be the poor relation for Google Voice also?"