发行版:Debris Linux 2.0发布

系统 Linux
Debris Linux是基于Ubuntu的一份面向桌面的极简主义发行和自启动运行光盘。它包含了GNOME桌面和一小套流行的桌面应用......

Debris Linux是基于Ubuntu的一份面向桌面的极简主义发行和自启动运行光盘。它包含了GNOME桌面和一小套流行的桌面应用,例如GNOME办公套装、 Firefox网页浏览器、Pidgin即时信使、Firestart防火墙管理器。Debris Linux封装了一份定制内核、一份定制的名为DebI的系统安装程序,以及一份便于在自启动运行模式下保存和恢复任何设置改动的脚本。

Stefan Emmerich has announced the release of Debris Linux 2.0, an Ubuntu-based desktop distribution with GNOME and Openbox in under 200 MB: "After a long time of development, we finally present Debris Linux 2.0. Because of the large amount of testing and the fact that it is based on a very stable Ubuntu LTS version, Debris Linux 2.0 has proven to be a very stable system. Debris Linux 2.0 is package compatible with Ubuntu 8.04 'Hardy Heron' - you can use all packages for this release from the Ubuntu repositories, except for those depending on the Ubuntu kernel! Changes since RC1: fixed the clipboard issue; new feature - build-fstab will also update the swap partition's UUID used for hibernation resume; updated Firefox 3.0.15; Ubuntu security updates. Debris Linux 2.0 will provide security updates until April 2011." See the release announcement and changelog for more details. Download: debris-2.0.iso (186MB, MD5).


  1. Linux Mint 8 “Helena”发布
  2. 开发版:Frugalware Linux 1.2 Pre 1发布
  3. UltraEdit for Linux RC 1 发布
责任编辑:赵宁宁 来源: DistroWatch

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