Opera 10.20 Build 1895 Alpha

系统 浏览器
Opera 是来自挪威的一个极为出色的网络浏览套件,具有速度快、节省系统资源、定制能力强、安全性高以及体积小等特点,目前已经是广受欢迎的浏览器之一。

Opera 是来自挪威的一个极为出色的网络浏览套件,具有速度快、节省系统资源、定制能力强、安全性高以及体积小等特点,目前已经是广受欢迎的浏览器之一。多文档接 口 (MDI)、方便的缩放功能、整合搜索引擎、快捷键与鼠标手势、浏览历史记忆、防止恶意弹出窗口、全屏模式、对 HTML 标准的支持、整合电子邮件与新闻群组以及让用户自定义按钮、皮肤、工具栏等等,都使 Opera 多年来倍受喜爱。

下载:Opera 10.20 Build 1895 Alpha

Opera 10.20 new features:
• Twitter widget, featuring widget control buttons
• Google Translator, featuring widget application mode

Changes in Opera Web Browser 10.20 Build 1895 Dev:
    * Improved widget installer UI
    * Renamed "Widget Import Wizard" to "Export Wizard". UI and Ux improved.
    * Added widget control buttons, available from top-right corner of the widget window
    * Fixed widgets menu behavior
    * Profiled bundles for widget runtime
    * Default Speed Dials updated for the Opera Widgets for desktop alpha release

Known Issues
    * DSK-269229 - Icon file is not created for widgets with icon in svg format.
    * DSK-268197 - Widgets always use first available icon even when one with better quality is available
    * DSK-268306 - Widget background color shuold be default not black
    * DSK-261222 - Dragonfly do not show opened widget
    * DSK-266456 - Crash after removing Opera, then trying to start a widget
    * DSK-268209 - Flashplugin installation doesn't affect widgets if default browser is IE
    * DSK-270209 - Some widget's preferences files are stored in ~/Libraries/Application Support/<widget name>
    * DSK-267728 - Reload is not included as the first item in the View menu
    * DSK-266995 - Widgets spew garbage to Terminal on launch
    * Autoupdate isn't working
    * DSK-268022 - Downloading Flash plugin do not makes flash-content widgets working
    * DSK-270884 - Widgets in application mode with transparent background are not drawn correctly
    * DSK-271446 - Widget icons without transparency channel are not drawn correctly
    * DSK-270864 - RPM generation without rpm-build package installed may generate broken rpms

    * Partial Fix of Bug DSK-266341 (Improve widget installer dialog)
    * Fixed Bug DSK-267451 (Widget crashes after close attempt without disconnecting from remote debugger)
    * Fixed Bug DSK-267605 (Uninstalling widget leaves directories around)
    * Fixed Bug DSK-267729 (Widgets should not open all links in browser instead of inside widget)
    * Fixed Bug DSK-267784 (Open folder option of transfer manager opens widget installer)
    * Fixed Bug DSK-267951 (Installing/importing multiple instances of widget it will be numbered starting from 1)
    * Fixed Bug DSK-267690 (Widget's About windows says 'About Opera' instead of 'About <widgetname>')
    * Fixed Bug DSK-268115 (Widget icons placed on root when upgrading widgets)
    * Fixed Bug DSK-268159 (Installation of widget with relative path creates incorrect shortcut)
    * Fixed Bug DSK-269362 (Shortcut locations are displayed even if widget installation failed)
    * Fixed Bug DSK-270201 (Impossible to finish Widget Export Wizard)
    * Fixed Bug DSK-270205 (Widget Export Wizard's title is not bold)
    * Fixed Bug DSK-270612 (Widget Export Wizard: absolute path required error message is being displayed while exporting widgets)
    * Fixed Bug DSK-266362 (Widget's context menu should be treated as a part of widget): Fixed widgets functional buttons and menu
    * Fixed Bug DSK-270124 (Widgetize - gallery widget does not work when opened first time just after creation and download): Widget window size was incorrectly set up
    * Fixed Bug DSK-265265 (It is possible to install 2 widgets in the same folder making uninstall impossible)
    * Fixed Bug DSK-266020 (It is not possible to switch off notifications in widgets): Exposed the preference to enable/disable notifications for widgets
    * Widget should now remember last position on screen.
    * Modifying User Agent string for Widgets
    * Fixed Bug DSK-267995 (Microsoft VBScript - compilation error while deleting widget with quotation mark in its name)
    * Fixed Bug DSK-268980 (Wrong icons assigned to Opera Widgets)
    * Adding Publisher and Comments entries to the gadget Uninstall registry key
    * Fixed Bug DSK-271147 (Opera Widget Runtime installer crashes upon installing widget)
    * Fixed Bug DSK-270238 (Deliver widget's preferences dialog)
    * Profiled bundles for Widget runtime
    * Fixed Bug DSK-258474 (Trying to open already opened widget asks user if he's sure): Running Widget is brought to the foreground, rather than a new copy started
    * Fixed Bug DSK-267946 (Widget launcher fails to load the bundled Qt dynamic libraries)
    * Default prog menu shortcut for Linux when exporting widgets
    * Fix for crash when invoking ./opera -widget <path to config.xml> without -pd argument


  1. Ubuntu 8.04系统下Opera浏览器安装配置
  2. Opera反垄断战术让FireFox很无奈
  3. 浏览器之争:Opera 9.5极地反攻Firefox 3
责任编辑:庞桂玉 来源: cnbeta

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