目前看来很多Windows 7编程新特性都是围绕.NET平台进行的,毕竟都是微软一家的东西。
创建Windows Shell Library
Windows 7提供了SHCreateLibrary API用来创建一个Shell Library:
C++ CreateShellLibrary /**//*! * Create a new shell libraryunderthe users Libraries folder. if a library *with the same namealready exists, the new one overrides theexisting one. * * \parampwszLibraryName * The name of the shelllibrary to be created. */BOOLCreateShellLibrary( LPWSTR pwszLibraryName){/**////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Create the shell library COM object. // IShellLibrary* pShellLib=NULL; HRESULT hr =SHCreateLibrary(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pShellLib)); if(FAILED(hr)) {_tprintf(_T(SHCreateLibrary failed to create theshell library )\ _T(COM object w/err 0x%08lx\n), hr);returnjiacubiaoj ijiacubiaoj ifalse;}/**///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Save the new library under the users Libraries folder.//IShellItem* pSavedTo = NULL; hr=pShellLib->SaveInKnownFolder(FOLDERID_UsersLibraries,pwszLibraryName,LSF_OVERRIDEEXISTING, &pSavedTo); if (FAILED(hr)){_tprintf(_T(IShellLibrary::SaveInKnownFolder failed to save the)\ _T(library w/err 0x%08lx\n), hr); returnjiacubiaojijiacubiaoj ifalse;}/**////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Clean up. // if (pShellLib != NULL)pShellLib->Release(); if(pSavedTo !=NULL) pSavedTo->Release(); return true;}/**////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Create a shell library. // using (ShellLibrary library =newShellLibrary(libraryName, true)) { }
管理Windows Shell Library
你可以通过调用SHShowManageLibraryUI API显示出Windows标准的ShellLibrary管理对话框。值得注意的是,在调用SHShowManageLibraryUI前请确保shelllibrary没有被以可写方式打开。否则在SHShowManageLibraryUI中对shelllibrary的修改将无法被保存。
C++ ShowManageLibraryUI
C++ ShowManageLibraryUI
* Shows the library management dialog box of thespec ifiedlibrary, which
* enables users to manage the library folders and defaultsavelocation.
* \param pwszLibraryName
* The name of the shell library
BOOL ShowManageLibraryUI( LPWSTR pwszLibraryName)
// Get the shell item that represents the library.
IShellItem2* pShellItem=GetShellLibraryItem(pwszLibraryName);
HRESULT hr = SHShowManageLibraryUI(pShellItem, NULL,
LCppWin7ShellLibrary, LManage Library foldersandsettings,
// Clean up
if (pShellItem != NULL)
return SUCCEEDED(hr);
C# ShowManageLibraryUI
// ShowManageLibraryUI requires that the library isnotcurrently
// opened with write permission.
ShellLibrary.ShowManageLibraryUI(libraryName, IntPtr.Zero,
CSWin7ShellLibrary, Manage Library folders and settings,true);
向Shell Library中添加文件夹
SHAddFolderPathToLibrary可用来向指定的Shell Library中添加文件夹。
C++ AddFolderToShellLibrary
* Add a folder to an existing shell library.
* \param pShellLib
* The IShellLibrary interface of the shell library
* \param pwszFolderPath
* The path of the folder to be added into the shell library
* \param bSaveLocation
* if bSaveLocation is true, set thefolder as the save location ofthe shell
* library
BOOL AddFolderToShellLibrary(IShellLibrary* pShellLib,
LPWSTR pwszFolderPath, BOOL bSaveLocation)
HRESULT hr =SHAddFolderPathToLibrary(pShellLib,pwszFolderPath);
if (FAILED(hr))
_tprintf(_T(SHAddFolderPathToLibrary failed to add a folder)\
_T(to the shell library w/err 0x%08lx\n), hr);
return jiacubiaoj ijiacubiaoj ifalse;
// Save the folder as the save location of the shell library
if (bSaveLocation)
// Create shell item from folder path
IShellItem2* pShellItemSaveFolder = NULL;
hr = SHCreateItemFromParsingName(pwszFolderPath, 0,
if (FAILED(hr))
_tprintf(_T(SHCreateItemFromParsingName failed w/err ) \
_T(0x%08lx\n), hr);
return jiacubiaoj ijiacubiaoj ifalse;
// Set the folder as the save location
if (pShellItemSaveFolder != NULL)
if (FAILED(hr))
_tprintf(_T(IShellLibrary::SetDefaultSaveFolder failed ) \
_T(w/err 0x%08lx\n), hr);
return jiacubiaoj ijiacubiaoj ifalse;
// Commit the change of the shell library
return true;
C# AddFolderToShellLibrary
using (ShellLibrary library =ShellLibrary.Load(libraryName,jiacubiaoj ijiacubiaoj ifalse))
// Add a folder to the shell library.
// Add the folder to the shell library
library.DefaultSaveFolder = folderPath;
枚举Shell Library中的文件夹
IShellLibrary::GetFolders可用来得到Shell Library中的文件夹。
删除一个Shell Library
Windows 7编程新特性Shell Library接口介绍就到这里吧。