C#序列化和反序列化,两者的程序处理方式基本一致,都是基于工厂模式的,所谓C#序列化就是是将对象转换为容易传输的格式的过程,一般情况下转化打流文件,放入内存或者IO文件中。例如,可以序列化一个对象,然后使用 HTTP 通过 Internet 在客户端和服务器之间传输该对象,或者和其它应用程序共享使用。相反的,反序列化根据流重新构造对象。.NET自带的有两种序列化对象的方式,Xml和binary的,XML 序列化不转换方法、索引器、私有字段或只读属性(只读集合除外)。要序列化对象的所有字段和属性(公共的和私有的),请使用 BinaryFormatter,而不要使用 XML 序列化。
- [Serializable]public class ClassToSerialize{
- public int id=100;
- public string name="Name";
- }
需要序列化该对象,必须在给该类加上Serializable的属性,然后创建一个序列化写入的流:FileStream fileStream = new FileStream("temp.dat", FileMode.Create);然后创建二进制格式器:BinaryFormatter b=new BinaryFormatter();然后是序列化:b.Serialize(fileStream,c);,然后关闭保存流。(可以见下面的例子)
- FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(
- "temp.dat", FileMode.Open,
- FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
- ClassToSerialize c =
- (ClassToSerialize)b.Deserialize(fileStream);
- using System;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Runtime.Serialization;
- using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
- public class SerialTest{
- public void SerializeNow(){
- ClassToSerialize c=new ClassToSerialize();
- FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(
- "temp.dat", FileMode.Create);
- BinaryFormatter b=new BinaryFormatter();
- b.Serialize(fileStream,c);
- fileStream.Close();
- }
- public void DeSerializeNow(){
- ClassToSerialize c=new ClassToSerialize();
- FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(
- "temp.dat", FileMode.Open,
- FileAccess.Read,
- FileShare.Read);
- BinaryFormatter b=new BinaryFormatter();
- //SoapFormatter
- c=(ClassToSerialize)b.Deserialize(fileStream);
- Console.WriteLine(c.name);
- fileStream.Close();
- }
- public static void Main(string[] s){
- SerialTest st=new SerialTest();
- st.SerializeNow();
- st.DeSerializeNow();
- }
- }
- [Serializable]
- public class ClassToSerialize{
- public int id=100;
- public string name="Name";
- }
这就是自带的序列化和反序列的操作,但是,很多情况下,一个对象比较大,而且很多私有的属性和方法我们不需要,例如在原型模式里面序列化的话,只需要序列Clone方法和一些属性,私有的方法无需要,还例如在读取大规模的IO的时候,读取操作完全不需要... 这时候就需要自己集成重写序列的ISerializable接口:
- [Serializable()]
- //Set this attribute to all the classes that want to serialize
- public class Employee : ISerializable
- //derive your class from ISerializable {
- public int EmpId;
- public string EmpName;
- [NonSerialized()]
- public string NoSerialString="NoSerialString-Test";
- }
需要注意的是我这里的NoSerialString属性前面有[NonSerialized()],就是说默认并不序列化这个属性,而是使用默认值 。
- public Employee(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctxt)
- {
- EmpId = (int)info.GetValue(
- "EmployeeId", typeof(int));
- EmpName = (String)info.GetValue(
- "EmployeeName", typeof(string));
- //NoSerialString =
- //(String)info.GetValue("NoSerialString", typeof(string));
- }
- public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctxt)
- {
- //You can use any custom name for your name-value pair.
- // But make sure you
- // read the values with the same name.
- //For ex:- If you write EmpId as "EmployeeId"
- // then you should read the same with "EmployeeId"
- info.AddValue("EmployeeId", EmpId);
- info.AddValue("EmployeeName", EmpName);
- }
- public class ObjSerial{
- public static void Main(String[] args){
- Employee mp = new Employee();
- mp.EmpId = 10;
- mp.EmpName = "Omkumar";
- mp.NoSerialString = "你好啊";
- //C#序列化和反序列化之序列化
- Stream stream = File.Open("EmployeeInfo.osl", FileMode.Create);
- BinaryFormatter bformatter = new BinaryFormatter();
- Console.WriteLine("Writing Employee Information");
- bformatter.Serialize(stream, mp);
- stream.Close();
- mp = null;
- //C#序列化和反序列化之反序列
- stream = File.Open("EmployeeInfo.osl", FileMode.Open);
- bformatter = new BinaryFormatter();
- Console.WriteLine("Reading Employee Information");
- mp = (Employee)bformatter.Deserialize(stream);
- stream.Close();
- Console.WriteLine(
- "Employee Id: {0}",mp.EmpId.ToString());
- Console.WriteLine(
- "Employee Name: {0}",mp.EmpName);
- Console.WriteLine(
- "Employee NoSerialString: {0}",mp.NoSerialString);
- }
- }
- Writing Employee Information
- Reading Employee Information
- Employee Id: 10
- Employee Name: Omkumar
- Employee NoSerialString: NoSerialString-Test
看到Employee NoSerialString:属性的值没有,它保持默认值,没有序列化。