您觉得ASP.NET Routing中最令人摸不着头脑的设计是什么?我认为是RouteBase类:
- public abstract class RouteBase
- {
- protected RouteBase() { }
- public abstract RouteData GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext);
- public abstract VirtualPathData GetVirtualPath(
- RequestContext requestContext,
- RouteValueDictionary values);
- }
- public interface IRoute
- {
- RouteData GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext);
- VirtualPathData GetVirtualPath(
- RequestContext requestContext,
- RouteValueDictionary values);
- }
但是接口里不可以有任何实现,那么可复用的功能又放在哪里比较合适呢?《Framework Design Guildlines》告诉我们:在一个类库中,***为接口定义一个默认实现,这样也是开发人员进行“扩展”的一个“参考”。也就是说,如果真有什么需要复用的实现,我们完全可以这么做:
- public abstract class RouteBase : IRoute
- {
- // reusable implementations
- }
- public class Route : RouteBase
- {
- // concrete implementations
- }
事实上,.NET平台上有许多类库也遵循了这个做法。一个典型的做法便是ASP.NET AJAX框架的Extender模型:
- public interface IExtenderControl {
- }
- public abstract class ExtenderControl : Control, IExtenderControl {
- }
甚至在ASP.NET AJAX Control Tookit项目中,还有更进一步的扩展:
- public abstract class ExtenderControlBase : ExtenderControl {
- }
- public class AnimationExtenderControlBase : ExtenderControlBase {
- }
- public class AutoCompleteExtender : AnimationExtenderControlBase {
- }
看来微软在项目团队内部推广《Framework Design Guidelines》还不够彻底。
在.NET平台下,一个没有任何实现的,纯粹的抽象类可谓有百害而无一利。我很怀疑写这段代码的人刚从C++切换到C#——但是ASP.NET Routing中其实也有接口(如IRouteConstraint),为什么作者自己没有意识到,也没有人提出不同意见呢?微软开发团队应该有着严格的Code Review过程,怎么会让这样的代码正式发布?要知道一个接口一旦公开,就不可以删除了。也就是说,微软很难弥补这个错误。
- public abstract class CodeDomProvider : Component
- {
- [Obsolete(
- "Callers should not use the ICodeCompiler interface and should
- instead use the methods directly on the CodeDomProvider class.
- Those inheriting from CodeDomProvider must still implement this
- interface, and should exclude this warning or also obsolete this
- method.")]
- public abstract ICodeCompiler CreateCompiler();
- [Obsolete(
- "Callers should not use the ICodeParser interface and should
- instead use the methods directly on the CodeDomProvider class.
- Those inheriting from CodeDomProvider must still implement this
- interface, and should exclude this warning or also obsolete this
- method.")]
- public virtual ICodeParser CreateParser();
- ...
- }
这次微软真搞笑了。以上介绍ASP.NET Routing。