- /* C#Windows应用程序模板代码实现
- to compile this source file, type
- csc MyWinApp.cs
- */
- using System;
- using System.Windows.Forms;
- using System.Drawing;
- using System.IO;
- using System.ComponentModel;
- public class MyWinApp: Form {
- Label label = new Label();
- Button button = new Button();
- TreeView tree = new TreeView();
- ImageList imageList = new ImageList();
- static String imageFolder = "Images" +
- Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString();
- // --- Images declarations C#Windows应用程序模板代码实现-----
- Image newFileImage = new Bitmap(imageFolder + "newFile.bmp");
- Image openFileImage = new Bitmap(imageFolder + "openFile.gif");
- Image saveFileImage = new Bitmap(imageFolder + "saveFile.bmp");
- Image printImage = new Bitmap(imageFolder + "print.gif");
- // --C#Windows应用程序模板代码实现 End of Images declaration
- ----
- // -------------- menu -C#Windows应用程序模板------
- MainMenu mainMenu = new MainMenu();
- MenuItem fileMenuItem = new MenuItem();
- MenuItem fileNewMenuItem;
- MenuItem fileOpenMenuItem;
- MenuItem fileSaveMenuItem;
- MenuItem fileSaveAsMenuItem;
- MenuItem fileMenuWithSubmenu;
- MenuItem submenuMenuItem;
- MenuItem fileExitMenuItem;
- // -------------- End of menu C#Windows应用程序模板---------------------
- // -------------- Toolbar C#Windows应用程序模板-----------------
- ToolBar toolBar = new ToolBar();
- ToolBarButton separatorToolBarButton = new ToolBarButton();
- ToolBarButton newToolBarButton = new ToolBarButton();
- ToolBarButton openToolBarButton = new ToolBarButton();
- ToolBarButton saveToolBarButton = new ToolBarButton();
- ToolBarButton printToolBarButton = new ToolBarButton();
- // -------------- End of Toolbar --------------
- // -------------- StatusBar -C#Windows应用程序模板---------
- StatusBar statusBar = new StatusBar();
- StatusBarPanel statusBarPanel1 = new StatusBarPanel();
- StatusBarPanel statusBarPanel2 = new StatusBarPanel();
- // -------------- End of StatusBar ----------
- public MyWinApp() {
- InitializeComponent();
- }
- private void InitializeComponent() {
- this.Text = "My Windows Application";
- this.Icon = new Icon(imageFolder + "applicationLogo.ico");
- this.Width = 400;
- this.Height = 300;
- this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
- imageList.Images.Add(newFileImage);
- imageList.Images.Add(openFileImage);
- imageList.Images.Add(saveFileImage);
- imageList.Images.Add(printImage);
- // menu
- fileMenuItem.Text = "&File";
- // the following constructor is the same as:
- // menuItem fileNewMenuItem = new MenuItem();
- // fileNewMenuItem.Text = "&New";
- // fileNewMenuItem.Shortcut = Shortcut.CtrlN;
- // fileNewMenuItem.Click += new
- System.EventHandler(this.fileNewMenuItem_Click);
- fileNewMenuItem = new MenuItem("&New",
- new System.EventHandler(this.fileNewMenuItem_Click), Shortcut.CtrlN);
- fileOpenMenuItem = new MenuItem("&Open",
- new System.EventHandler(this.fileOpenMenuItem_Click), Shortcut.CtrlO);
- fileSaveMenuItem = new MenuItem("&Save",
- new System.EventHandler(this.fileSaveMenuItem_Click), Shortcut.CtrlS);
- fileSaveAsMenuItem = new MenuItem("Save &As",
- new System.EventHandler(this.fileSaveAsMenuItem_Click));
- fileMenuWithSubmenu = new MenuItem("&With Submenu");
- submenuMenuItem = new MenuItem("Su&bmenu",
- new System.EventHandler(this.submenuMenuItem_Click));
- fileExitMenuItem = new MenuItem("E&xit",
- new System.EventHandler(this.fileExitMenuItem_Click));
- mainMenu.MenuItems.Add(fileMenuItem);
- fileOpenMenuItem.Checked = true;
- fileMenuItem.MenuItems.Add(fileNewMenuItem);
- fileMenuItem.MenuItems.Add(fileOpenMenuItem);
- fileMenuItem.MenuItems.Add(fileSaveMenuItem);
- fileMenuItem.MenuItems.Add(fileSaveAsMenuItem);
- fileMenuItem.MenuItems.Add(fileMenuWithSubmenu);
- fileMenuWithSubmenu.MenuItems.Add(submenuMenuItem);
- fileMenuItem.MenuItems.Add("-"); // add a separator
- fileMenuItem.MenuItems.Add(fileExitMenuItem);
- toolBar.Appearance = ToolBarAppearance.Normal;
- //toolBar.Appearance = ToolBarAppearance.Flat;
- toolBar.ImageList = imageList;
- toolBar.ButtonSize = new Size(14, 6);
- separatorToolBarButton.Style = ToolBarButtonStyle.Separator;
- newToolBarButton.ToolTipText = "New Document";
- newToolBarButton.ImageIndex = 0;
- openToolBarButton.ToolTipText = "Open Document";
- openToolBarButton.ImageIndex = 1;
- saveToolBarButton.ToolTipText = "Save";
- saveToolBarButton.ImageIndex = 2;
- printToolBarButton.ToolTipText = "Print";
- printToolBarButton.ImageIndex = 3;
- toolBar.ButtonClick += new
- ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler(this.toolBar_ButtonClick);
- toolBar.Buttons.Add(separatorToolBarButton);
- toolBar.Buttons.Add(newToolBarButton);
- toolBar.Buttons.Add(openToolBarButton);
- toolBar.Buttons.Add(saveToolBarButton);
- toolBar.Buttons.Add(separatorToolBarButton);
- toolBar.Buttons.Add(printToolBarButton);
- tree.Top = 40;
- tree.Left = 20;
- tree.Width = 100;
- tree.Height = 100;
- label.Location = new Point(220, 40);
- label.Size = new Size(160, 30);
- label.Text = "Yes, click the button";
- button.Location = new Point(220, 80);
- button.Size = new Size(100, 30);
- button.Text = "Click this";
- button.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button_Click);
- statusBarPanel1.BorderStyle = StatusBarPanelBorderStyle.Sunken;
- statusBarPanel1.Text = "Press F1 for Help";
- statusBarPanel1.AutoSize = StatusBarPanelAutoSize.Spring;
- statusBarPanel2.BorderStyle = StatusBarPanelBorderStyle.Raised;
- statusBarPanel2.ToolTipText = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString();
- statusBarPanel2.Text = System.DateTime.Today.ToLongDateString();
- statusBarPanel2.AutoSize = StatusBarPanelAutoSize.Contents;
- statusBar.ShowPanels = true;
- statusBar.Panels.Add(statusBarPanel1);
- statusBar.Panels.Add(statusBarPanel2);
- this.Menu = mainMenu;
- this.Controls.Add(toolBar);
- this.Controls.Add(tree);
- this.Controls.Add(label);
- this.Controls.Add(button);
- this.Controls.Add(statusBar);
- }
- // --- Event Handlers -C#Windows应用程序模板-------
- private void fileNewMenuItem_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) {
- MessageBox.Show("You clicked the File -- New menu.", "The Event
- Information");
- }
- private void fileOpenMenuItem_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) {
- MessageBox.Show("You clicked the File -- Open menu.", "The Event
- Information");
- }
- private void fileSaveMenuItem_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) {
- MessageBox.Show("You clicked the File -- Save menu.", "The Event
- Information");
- }
- private void fileSaveAsMenuItem_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) {
- MessageBox.Show("You clicked the File -- Save As menu.", "The Event
- Information");
- }
- private void fileExitMenuItem_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) {
- MessageBox.Show("You clicked the File -- Exit As menu.", "The Event
- Information");
- }
- private void submenuMenuItem_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) {
- MessageBox.Show("You clicked the submenu.", "The Event Information");
- }
- protected void toolBar_ButtonClick(Object sender,
- ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs e) {
- // Evaluate the Button property to determine which button was clicked.
- switch (toolBar.Buttons.IndexOf(e.Button)) {
- case 1:
- MessageBox.Show("Second button.", "The Event Information");
- break;
- case 2:
- MessageBox.Show("third button", "The Event Information");
- break;
- case 3:
- MessageBox.Show("fourth button.", "The Event Information");
- break;
- }
- }
- protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e) {
- MessageBox.Show("Exit now.", "The Event Information");
- }
- private void button_Click(Object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
- MessageBox.Show("Thank you.", "The Event Information");
- }
- // ---- End of Event Handlers -------
- public static void Main() {
- MyWinApp form = new MyWinApp();
- Application.Run(form);
- } } //C#Windows应用程序模板