3. msdn中的原句不翻译
4.”program entity”译为”语言元素”
C# Attributes介绍
Attributes是一种新的描述信息,我们既可以使用attributes来定义设计期信息(例如 帮助文件,文档的URL),还可以用attributes定义运行时信息(例如,使XML中的元素与类的成员字段关联起来)。我们也可以用attributes来创建一个“自描述”的组件。
C# Attributes定义
MSDN 中做如下定义(ms-help://MS.MSDNQTR.2002APR.1033/csspec/html/vclrfcsharpspec_17_2.htm)
"An attribute is a piece of additional declarative information that is specified for a declaration."
使用预定义 Attributes
using System;
public class AnyClass
[Obsolete("Don't use Old method, use New method", true)]
static void Old( ) { }
static void New( ) { }
public static void Main( )
Old( );
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AnyClass.Old()' is obsolete: 'Don't use Old method, use New method'
在C#中,我们的attribute类都派生于System.Attribute类 (A class that derives from the abstract class System.Attribute, whether directly or indirectly, is an attribute class. The declaration of an attribute class defines a new kind of attribute that can be placed on a declaration) ,我们就这么行动吧。
using System;
public class HelpAttribute : Attribute
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不管你是否相信我,就这样我们就已经创建了一个自定义attribute。现在就可以用它来装饰我们的类了,就像我们使用obsolete attribute一样。
public class AnyClass
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注意:按惯例我们是用”Attribute“作为attribute类名的后缀,然而,当我们当我们把attribute绑定到某语言元素时,是不包含“Attribute“后缀的。编译器首先在System.Attribute 的继承类中查找该attribute,如果没有找到,编译器会把“Attribute“追加到该attribute的名字后面,然后查找它。
using System;
public class HelpAttribute : Attribute
public HelpAttribute(String Descrition_in)
this.description = Description_in;
protected String description;
public String Description
return this.description;
[Help("this is a do-nothing class")]
public class AnyClass
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AttributeUsage 类是另一预定义类(译者注:attribute类本身用这个atrribute System.AttributeUsage来标记),它将帮助我们控制我们自定义attribute的用法,这就是,我们能为自定义的attribute类定义attributes。
AttributeUsage 提供三个属性,我们能将它们放置到我们的自定义attribute类上, ***个特性是:
通过这个属性,我们能指定我们的自定义attribute可以放置在哪些语言元素之上。这组我们能把自定义attribute类放置其上的语言元素被放在枚举器AttributeTargets 中。我们可以使用bitwise(译者注:这个词不知道怎么翻译好,但他的意思是可以这么用:[AttributeUsage((AttributeTargets)4, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false )],4代表就是“class”元素,其它诸如1代表“assembly”,16383代表“all”等等)或者”.”操做符绑定几个AttributeTargets 值。(译者注:默认值为AttributeTargets.All)
让我们来做点实际的东西吧,我们将把AttributeUsage attribute 放置在我们的help attribute 上并在它的帮助下,我们来控制help attribute的用法。
using System;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false )]
public class HelpAttribute : Attribute
public HelpAttribute(String Description_in)
this.description = Description_in;
protected String description;
public String Description
return this.description;
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首先我们注意 AttributeTargets.Class. 它规定这个help attribute 只能放置在语言元素”class”之上。这就意味着,下面的代码将会产生一个错误。
AnyClass.cs: Attribute 'Help' is not valid on this declaration type.
It is valid on 'class' declarations only.
[Help("this is a do-nothing class")]
public class AnyClass
[Help("this is a do-nothing method")] //error
public void AnyMethod()
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我们可以使用 AttributeTargets.All 来允许 Help attribute 可以放置在任何预定义的语言元素上,那些可能的语言元素如下:
[Help("this is a do-nothing class")]
[Help("it contains a do-nothing method")]
public class AnyClass
[Help("this is a do-nothing method")] //error
public void AnyMethod()
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AnyClass.cs: Duplicate 'Help' attribute
Ok!现在我们该讨论下***那个属性了,”Inherited”, 指出当把该attribute放置于一个基类之上,是否派生类也继承了该attribute。如果绑定至某个attribute类的”Inherited”被设为true,那么该attribute就会被继承,然而如果绑定至某个attribute类的”Inherited”被设为false或者没有定义,那么该attribute就不会被继承。
public class Base
public class Derive : Base
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如果我们查询(我们将在后面来了解如何在运行时来查询attributes)派生类中的help attribute,我们将不可能查询到因为”Inherited”被设为了false。
public class Base
public class Derive : Base
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现在我们查询相关的help attribute ,我们将仅仅可以得到派生类的attribute,为什么这样是因为help attribute虽然允许被继承,但不能多次在同一语言元素上使用,所以基类中的help attribute被派生类的help attribute 重写了。
在第四种情况中,当我们查询派生类的help attribute 时,我们可以得到两个attributes,当然是因为help attribute既允许被继承,又允许在同一语言元素上多次使用的结果。
注意:AttributeUsage attribute 仅应用在那种是System.Attribute 派生的attriubte类而且绑定值该attriubte类的AllowMultiple和Inherited均为false上才是有效的。
可选参数 vs. 命名参数
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false,
Inherited = false)]
public class HelpAttribute : Attribute
public HelpAttribute(String Description_in)
this.description = Description_in;
this.verion = "No Version is defined for this class";
protected String description;
public String Description
return this.description;
protected String version;
public String Version
return this.version;
//if we ever want our attribute user to set this property,
//we must specify set method for it
this.verion = value;
[Help("This is Class1")]
public class Class1
[Help("This is Class2", Version = "1.0")]
public class Class2
[Help("This is Class3", Version = "2.0",
Description = "This is do-nothing class")]
public class Class3
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当我们在Class1中查询Help attribute已经它的属性,我们将得到:
Help.Description : This is Class1
Help.Version :No Version is defined for this class
Help.Description : This is Class2
Help.Version : 1.0
[Help("This is Class2", Version = "1.0")]
在 AttributeUsage 例子中, 参数”ValidOn”是可选参数,而“Inherited“和“AllowMultiple“ 是命名参数。
'Version' : Named attribute argument can't be a read only property
现在,我们在Class3中查找Help attribute 及其属性会发生什么呢?结果是跟上面提到的相同的编译期错误。
'Desciption' : Named attribute argument can't be a read only property
Help.Description : This is do-nothing class
Help.Version : 2.0
Attributes 标记
假设,我们想把Help attribute 绑定至元素 assembly。***个问题是我们要把Help attribute 放在哪儿才能让编译器确定该attribute是绑定至整个assembly呢?考虑另一种情况,我们想把attribute绑定至一个方法的返回类型上,怎样才能让编译器确定我们是把attribute绑定至方法的返回类型上,而不是整个方法呢?
为了解决诸如此类的含糊问题,我们使用attribute标识符,有了它的帮助,我们就可以确切地申明我们把attribute 绑定至哪一个语言元素。
[assembly: Help("this a do-nothing assembly")]
这个在Help attribute 前的assembly标识符确切地告诉编译器,该attribute被绑定至整个assembly。可能的标识符有:
我们可以使用.NET Framework Reflection APIs 通过对整个assembly元数据的迭代,列举出assembly中所有已定义的类,类型,还有方法。
记住那旧的Help attribute 和AnyClass 类。
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Diagnostics;
//attaching Help attribute to entire assembly
[assembly : Help("This Assembly demonstrates custom attributes
creation and their run-time query.")]
//our custom attribute class
public class HelpAttribute : Attribute
public HelpAttribute(String Description_in)
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
this.description = Description_in;
protected String description;
public String Description
return this.deescription;
//attaching Help attribute to our AnyClass
[HelpString("This is a do-nothing Class.")]
public class AnyClass
//attaching Help attribute to our AnyMethod
[Help("This is a do-nothing Method.")]
public void AnyMethod()
//attaching Help attribute to our AnyInt Field
[Help("This is any Integer.")]
public int AnyInt;
class QueryApp
public static void Main()
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在接下来的代码中,我们先得到当前的进程名称,然后用Assembly类中的LoadForm()方法加载程序集,再有用GetCustomAttributes()方法得到被绑定至当前程序集的自定义attributes,接下来用foreach语句遍历所有attributes并试图把每个attribute转型为Help attribute(即将转型的对象使用as关键字有一个优点,就是当转型不合法时,我们将不需担心会抛出异常,代之以空值(null)作为结果),接下来的一行就是检查转型是否有效,及是不是为空,跟着就显示Help attribute的“Description”属性。
class QueryApp
public static void Main()
HelpAttribute HelpAttr;
//Querying Assembly Attributes
String assemblyName;
Process p = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
assemblyName = p.ProcessName + ".exe";
Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyName);
foreach (Attribute attr in a.GetCustomAttributes(true))
HelpAttr = attr as HelpAttribute;
if (null != HelpAttr)
Console.WriteLine("Description of {0}:\n{1}",
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Description of QueryAttribute.exe:
This Assembly demonstrates custom attributes creation and
their run-time query.
Press any key to continue
Type type = typeof(AnyClass);
class QueryApp
public static void Main()
Type type = typeof(AnyClass);
HelpAttribute HelpAttr;
//Querying Class Attributes
foreach (Attribute attr in type.GetCustomAttributes(true))
HelpAttr = attr as HelpAttribute;
if (null != HelpAttr)
Console.WriteLine("Description of AnyClass:\n{0}",
//Querying Class-Method Attributes
foreach(MethodInfo method in type.GetMethods())
foreach (Attribute attr in method.GetCustomAttributes(true))
HelpAttr = attr as HelpAttribute;
if (null != HelpAttr)
Console.WriteLine("Description of {0}:\n{1}",
//Querying Class-Field (only public) Attributes
foreach(FieldInfo field in type.GetFields())
foreach (Attribute attr in field.GetCustomAttributes(true))
HelpAttr= attr as HelpAttribute;
if (null != HelpAttr)
Console.WriteLine("Description of {0}:\n{1}",
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以上就介绍了C# Attributes的一些使用方法。