Windows Embedded CE 6.0中断机制介绍

本文介绍Windows Embedd CE 6.0中断机制。Windows Embedd CE 6.0中断模型包括:设备发起一个硬件中断,内核(Kernel.DLL)响应该中断,中断服务例程快速处理该中断,以及驱动中的中断服务线程(IST)被通知处理该中断。

本文继续介绍Windows Embedded CE 6.0和Windows桌面系统内部一些知识。

Windows Embedded CE 6.0中断机制

下图为Windows Embedded CE 6.0中断模型:





Windows Embedd CE 6.0中断机制 


"Real-time applications use interrupts to respond to external events in a timely manner. To do this, Windows Embedded CE 6.0 breaks interrupt processing into two steps: an interrupt service routine (ISR) and an interrupt service thread (IST). The ISR runs immediately to identify and mask the interrupt, and perform any high priority tasks. The corresponding IST is a normal system thread (although typically of high priority) and can perform the bulk of the handling that is not time critical. This two stage model allows the operating system to maximize the amount of time the system is able to respond to other high priority interrupts.

The kernel is able to handle a total of 64 interrupts from external sources, some of which are predefined (e.g. system timer interrupt, real time clock etc). Devices that have more than 64 interrupt sources that need to be exposed (rare) must implement a mechanism to share interrupt identifiers. Typically this is done by multiplexing related interrupts together in the ISR, and demultiplexing them in the IST.”

关于Windows Embedded CE 6.0中断机制在此就介绍这么多,更详细的内容等我慢慢消化了再介绍。


  1. Windows Embedded CE 6.0系统特性及架构一览
  2. 在Windows Embedded Standard中添加语音识别功能
  3. 创建可分发的Windows Embedded Standard组件
  4. Windows Embedded Standard互操作性浅析
  5. Windows Embedded Standard的U盘启动  
责任编辑:yangsai 来源: 博客园

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