Windows Embedded CE 6.0系统特性及架构一览

本文对Windows Embedded CE 6.0系统内核的知识做了一些整理和总结,主要介绍了Windows Embedded CE 6.0的系统关键特性以及系统架构的变化。

最近在学习Windows Embedd CE 6.0和Windows桌面系统内部一些知识,这篇文章是对部分内核知识的整理和总结。Windows Embedded CE 6.0是非常优秀的嵌入式系统,对其内核的学习对我们开发、移植驱动和应用程序,对开发、移植嵌入式系统都非常有好处。

1.Windows Embedded CE 6.0系统的一些关键特性



★支持的处理器体系结构:ARM, x86, SH4, MIPS


★Based on Win32 API Set,桌面系统的一个扩展子集,超过2000个函数可以使用。

★标准的Portable Executable(PE)文件格式

另外需要注意的是Platform Builder开发工具集成的Visual Studio中,作为后者的一个插件。开发Windows Mobile 6.x时使用的还是独立的Platform Builder for Windows Mobile,相信到Windows Mobile 7.0时会有所变化。

作为通用性桌面操作系统的Windows XP取得了巨大的成功,关于其系统特性请看这。所以微软又推出了Windows XP Embedded。与Window XP Embedded需要借助第三方插件才能实现实时操作系统相比,Windows Embedded CE 6.0是具有32 位本机实时支持的统一内核的。微软另一款具有本机实时支持统一内核的嵌入式操作系统是Windows Embedded NavReady。更多Windows Embedded系统看这里。

目前Windows Embedded CE 6.0到目前为止最后一次较大更新为R2(2007年11月15日),其它小更新看这里。

2.Windows Embedded CE系统架构

下图为Windows Embedded CE 5.0系统架构,与下下6.0的架构图相比,我们发现:




Windows CE 5.0系统架构 

以下为Windows Embedded CE 6.0系统总架构:

Windows Embedded CE 6.0系统总架构 




注:ISV(Independent Software Vendors):独立软件开发商。



Shell, provides the user with an interface to the objects necessary for running applications and managing the Windows Embedded CE operating system on a target device.

ServicesD.EXE is a process that supplements the Udevice.exe process. ServicesD.exe provides enhanced loading capabilities such as support for starting, pausing, and stopping services.


FILESYS.DLL, responsible for the initialization sequence, object store, registry, CEDB databases, device notifications and other miscellaneous tasks.

FSDMGR.DLL, esponsible for managing file systems, filters, and the storage manager.

GWES.DLL, Windows Embedded CE 6.0 combines the Microsoft Win32 application programming interface (API), user interface (UI), and graphics device interface (GDI) libraries into the Graphics, Windowing, and Events Subsystem (GWES) module. GWES is the interface between the user, your application, and the operating system (OS).

Networking DLLs, NDIS based networking services.

DEVMGR.DLL, the Device Manager is loaded by the kernel, it runs continuously, and it manages loaded device drivers and their interfaces. When the Device Manager loads, it also loads the I/O Resource Manager to read a list of available resources from the registry.

KITL.DLL is Optional.

K.COREDLL.DLL, DLL Kernel version of COREDLL.

KERNEL.DLL - The core operating system (OS) services consist of the Windows Embedded CE 6.0 kernel and other features common to all Windows Embedded CE 6.0 OS designs. Core OS services enable low-level tasks, such as process, thread, and memory management.


  1. 在Windows Embedded Standard中添加语音识别功能
  2. 创建可分发的Windows Embedded Standard组件
  3. Windows Embedded Standard互操作性浅析
  4. Windows Embedded Standard的U盘启动
  5. 在Windows Embedded Standard中开发Silverlight
责任编辑:yangsai 来源: 博客园

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