开发版:Slackware Linux 13.0 RC1发布

系统 Linux
Slackware Linux的正式发布由Patrick Volkerding负责,这是一套先进的Linux操作系统,它为着易用性和高稳定性双重目标而设计。

Slackware Linux的正式发布由Patrick Volkerding负责,这是一套先进的Linux操作系统,它为着易用性和高稳定性双重目标而设计。Slackware包含***的流行软件,并按照传统提供简单易用性、灵活性和强大的功能,它将世界的精华呈现在你的面前。Linux是最早由Linux Torvalds于1991年发起的类似UNIX的操作系统,它得益于现在全世界数百万用户和开发人员所作出的贡献。Slackware Linux同时向新手和高级用户提供一套先进的系统,可装备使用在从桌面工作站到机房服务器的任何场合。可以按需使用各种web、ftp和email服务器,正如可以在各种流行的桌面环境中作出选择。大量的开发工具和编辑器、库文件被包纳进来,以方便那些希望开发或编译额外软件的用户们。

Patrick Volkerding has announced that Slackware "Current", the distribution's development branch, has reached release candidate status: "The to-do isn't entirely empty here, but it's pretty much down to minor nits, and so we're going to call this release candidate 1 and (mostly) freeze further updates unless they happen to fix problems. Regarding the kernel, 2.6.29.x has been well tested with this userspace and seems like the best choice to ship for production use. Perhaps we can put something else (at least source and configurationss) in /testing, though." See the complete changelog for further information regarding updates and changes. As always with Slackware, there are no official ISO images released for download, but unofficial weekly builds are available from slackware.no (MD5): slackware-current-30_Jun_2009-DVD.iso (1,747MB), slackware64-current-30_Jun_2009-DVD.iso (1,682MB).


  1. DB2数据库支持Windows Linux等操作系统
  2. Magic Linux 2.***lpha 3发布
  3. 发行版Pardus Linux 2009 Beta发布
责任编辑:赵宁宁 来源: DistroWatch

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