Linux Mint 7 “x86_64”发布

系统 Linux
Linux Mint是一份基于Ubuntu的发行,其目标是提供一份更完整意义上的即刻可用的体验,而这通过包含浏览器插件、多媒体编码解码器、DVD播放支持、Java及其他组件来实现。

Linux Mint是一份基于Ubuntu的发行,其目标是提供一份更完整意义上的即刻可用的体验,而这通过包含浏览器插件、多媒体编码解码器、DVD播放支持、Java及其他组件来实现。它也增加了一套定制桌面及各种菜单,一些独特的配置工具,以及一份基于web的软件包安装界面。Linux Mint兼容Ubuntu软件仓库。

Clement Lefebvre has announced that the 64-bit edition of Linux Mint 7 is now available: "The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 7 'x86_64'. This edition of Linux Mint 7 is almost identical to the main edition but, compiled for 64-bit processors (Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel Core 2 Quad, AMD Athlon X2 64 and all x86_64 compliant processors). It comes with all the improvements featured in Linux Mint 7 main edition. Known issues: the root password is now the same as the one chosen during the installation, a blog post will follow to explain why and how this was implemented; if you’re using Mint tools in other distributions, make sure to turn off the adjustment system by editing mintSystem.conf. Read the rest of the release announcement for more information. Download (MD5):

LinuxMint-7-x64.iso (694MB).


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责任编辑:赵宁宁 来源: IT专家网

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