Netbeans Tomcat服务器实例配置
1。在netbeans-tools-server manerger下添加tomcat服务器, 默认是已经配置好的。
配置用户:这个要在base directory 下的tomcat-users.xml文件中设置
用户角色(role):admin 或者 manager 或者 admin,manager
Home Directory.服务器所在目录, 安装好以后基本不管它的事了
Base Directory: 用户配置所在目录, 设置你的服务器和你的servlets
新建一个工程, samples下有tomcat servlet example.命名为TomcatServletExample
在base directory下有apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\servlets-examples\tldCache.ser
这是以文件夹和文件形式发布的结构。前面提到的servlets-examples.xml文件中的docBase属性就是我工程文件的目录, path是制定的访问路径, 比如,我这里可以通过http://localhost:8084/servlets-examples/访问, 客户端的访问就是通过这个文件来转向的
*.html, *.jsp, etc :页面
/WEB-INF/web.xml :he Web Application Deployment Descriptor for your application. This is an XML file describing the servlets and other components that make up your application, along with any initialization parameters and container-managed security constraints that you want the server to enforce for you.
/WEB-INF/classes/ :编译后的.class文件
/WEB-INF/lib/ :This directory contains JAR files that contain Java class files (and associated resources) required for your application, such as third party class libraries or JDBC drivers.
3. 弄清了结构,然后自己动手写一个简单
新建一个web application, 默认有一个index.jsp作为首页, 首页可以在web.xml的pages标签下修改
在source packages下添加NewServlet.class, 代码附在后面
在web.xmlservlet标签下配置NewServlet, 指定servlet class和url pattern, 我指定的是/NewServlet, 在http://localhost:8084/WebServletTest/NewServlet下就访问到了
连接一个图片时, 文件名竟然是大小写敏感的
netbeans的web sample下有tomcat servlet的例子, 是学习servlet的很好的例子
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class NewServlet extends HttpServlet {
/** Initializes the servlet. Connections to databases belong here !
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
/** Destroys the servlet. Close connections, files, etc.
public void destroy() {
// Form values can be passed by 2 methods, GET or POST
// the doGet() (resp. doPost()) method is called when the method is
// GET (resp POST).
// The following trick allows us to process both with one function
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
processRequest(request, response);
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
processRequest(request, response);
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
// The real work of the servlet begins here
// A servlet does nothing else than outputing HTML code
// to the webserver. It can output the HTML code corresponding
// to a form. The user fills this form and, when the Submit button
// is clicked, the values are sent to the appropriate program on the
// webserver (in this case, our servlet) which then uses these values
// to `calculate' what it should display this time
// If the servlet is simply
// called by visiting an url or clicking a link, all parameters
// will have null values. This is what happens when you type
// `' in your browser. We can detect this and
// print out a default `welcome' message (as below).
// If the servlet is called by clicking a submit
// button, no parameter will have null values (fields not filled
// by the user will return empty strings, not null).
if (request.getParameter("myparam") != null)
// the request.getParameter function allows us to obtain the
// values entered by the user in the various input fields
out.println("Your parameter is "+request.getParameter("myparam")+"
out.println("Hello, please enter a parameter !
out.println(" Enter your new parameter here:
// The `action` field of the `form` tag indicates which program
// should be called by the webserver when the user clicks `submit'
// in this case, we tell it to call the same servlet again
" "+
// The 'name' of the input field corresponds to the name of the
// parameter which will contain the value
// entered in this input field (here, it is 'myparam' - see above)
// The special `submit` input field generates a submit button
// When the user clicks the submit button, the browser sends a
// request to the servlet whose name is contained in the `action`
// field of the `` tag, which in this case is the present
// servlet. This request includes the values entered by the user
// in the different input fields as parameters.
public String getServletInfo() {
return "Short description";
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