Volker Theile has announced the release of FreeNAS 0.69.1, an updated version of the FreeBSD-based operating system providing free Network-Attached Storage (NAS) services: "FreeNAS0.69.1 (Omnius). Changes: upgrade Samba to 3.0.34, ProFTPD to 1.3.2,mDNSResponder to 1.08.6, lighttpd to 1.4.22, cdialog to 1.1.20080819,e2fsprogs to 1.41.4, nut to 2.4.1, Transmission to 1.51, UpgradeNTFS-3G to 2009.2.1, Bash to 4.0.10; upgrade 3Ware serial ATA RAIDcontroller driver to 9.5.1; add 'SSL/TLS only' on 'Services, FTP' pageto allow TLS/SSL connections only; add 'Reverse DNS lookup' on'Services, FTP' page; add 'Authentication' checkbox on 'Services,BitTorrent' page to enable and disable authentication forTransmissionBT WebGUI...." Read the remainder of the release announcement for further details. Download: FreeNAS-i386-LiveCD-0.69.1.iso (61.5MB, MD5), FreeNAS-amd64-LiveCD-0.69.1.iso (67.1MB, MD5).