开发者发行版:NetBSD 5.0 RC4

系统 Linux

NetBSD是一份免费的、安全的及高度可移植的开源UNIX操作系统,它适合于很多种平台,从64-bit的AlphaServers及桌面系统到手持及嵌入式系统。它在设计上非常整洁,并拥有先进的特性,这使得它在业界和学术界都有口皆碑。用户可通过完整的源代码来获得支持。很多应用程序都可容易地从 NetBSD Packages Collection获得。

Soren Jacobsen has announced the availability of the fourth release candidate for NetBSD 5.0, a BSD operating system designed to run on a large number of processor architectures: "Today,we have two things to be happy about. First, the fourth releasecandidate of NetBSD 5.0 is available for download. Second, thisannouncement, like RC3's, coincides with an important birthday: that ofBilly West. Below are some highlighted changes since RC3: added theRLIMIT_AS resource, which limits the total address space available toprocesses; improved NFS server stability; FFS improvements; a fix for apf(4) DoS; re(4) now works with the RealTek 8111C, which is found onmany current motherboards with Intel chipsets. As usual,src/doc/CHANGES-5.0 has the full details." Here is the brief release announcement. As usual, CD images for 41 processor architectures are available from NetBSD's FTP server and its mirrors. Two quick links to the i386 and amd64 installation CD images: i386cd.iso (229MB), amd64cd.iso (241MB).


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责任编辑:张燕妮 来源: Linux论坛

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