金雅拓携手亚洲RBS 在印尼、台湾和印度推行EMV迁移


【51CTO.com 综合报道】2009年3月24日,北京——金雅拓日前宣布已经接受苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)的委托,在亚洲三大市场(印尼、台湾和印度)推行微处理器EMV(Europay、Master卡、VISA)信用卡迁移。首个项目已于2008年10月在印尼启动,台湾和印度的项目将紧跟其后,项目涉及将该银行的传统磁条卡转换成EMV卡。金雅拓为RBS提供一系列完整产品和服务,包括个人化服务及项目管理 。项目的顺利实施创造了三个月完成项目的记录,而通常亚洲的行业平均时间为5-6个月,为RBS节省了实际运营成本。两家公司共同在创记录的短时间内完成了迁移项目的最初阶段。


印尼RBS 消费者金融主管Dessy Masri表示:“EMV 迁移对于信用卡业务非常重要,因为这不仅是中央银行的要求,也是增强安全防范欺诈的需求。我们非常高兴我们在印尼的换卡过程所用时间比预期缩短很多。因此我们有能力更快向我们的客户推出EMV卡,为客户提供更多便利和安全。这样的成绩只有通过金雅拓的服务才可能实现,金雅拓在印度和亚洲地区具有丰富的相关经验,是EMV迁移解决方案的行业领先者。”



Gemalto is selected by RBS Bank in Asia to bootstrap EMV migration in Indonesia, Taiwan and India

Beijing, March 24, 2009 - Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO), announces it has been commissioned to carry out the migration to microprocessor EMV (Europay, MasterCard, VISA) credit cards for the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) across three markets in Asia; Indonesia, Taiwan and India. The first project commenced in October 2008 in Indonesia, with projects in Taiwan and India to follow, and involved the conversion of the Bank’s traditional magnetic stripe cards to EMV cards. Gemalto provides RBS with a complete range of products and services including personalization and project management. The smooth project implementation resulted in a record turnaround time of three months, instead of a typical industry average in Asia of five to six months, translating into tangible operational savings for RBS. Gemalto and RBS complete initial phase of migration project in record time.

Fraud reduction is the major driving force behind Asia’s commitment to EMV migration. According to the Indonesian Credit Card Association, credit card fraud in the country amounted to 35 billion rupiah (approximately 2.3 million Euro) in 2007. Gemalto has already successfully completed the migration to EMV cards for 3 in 4 banks in Indonesia, well ahead of the 2010 migration mandate set by the Bank of Indonesia.

Dessy Masri, Head of Consumer Finance, RBS Indonesia commented, “EMV migration is important to the card business as it is not only a requirement from the Central Bank but also it has enhanced security against fraud. We are extremely pleased that our re-carding process in Indonesia took a much shorter time than expected, so we are able to start the roll-out of the cards to our customers sooner, giving them more convenience and security. And this was only possible with the service of Gemalto as the industry leader in EMV migration solutions and the company’s extensive experience in Indonesia, as well as the region”.

Tan Teck Lee, President, Gemalto Asia added, “We are extremely pleased to be able to work with RBS who have placed their trust in us to manage the migration project across their key markets. Our experience in migration projects all over the world allowed us to leverage our unique EMV expertise and geographical presence to lead this project successfully”.


责任编辑:潘宇杰 来源: 51CTO.com

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