Scientific Linux是一份重新编译的Red Hat Enterprise Linux,它包含了遍布世界的多种多样的实验室和大学的贡献。
Troy Dawson has announced the release of ScientificLinux 5.3, a distribution built from source software packages for RedHat Enterprise Linux, but enhanced with additional applications andtools: "Scientific Linux 5.3 has been released forboth the i386 and x86_64 architectures. Intel wireless has been updatedand works much better. We have added the iwlwifi 3945, and 5000 ucode(firmware), as well as updated the 4945 ucode. Scipy has been added tothe release, along with fttw and suitesparse to support it. Numpy wasalready in the release. Scientific Linux release 5.3 is based on therebuilding of RPMs out of SRPMs from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 serverand client, including update 3. It also has all errata and bug fixes upuntil March 17, 2009." Read the brief release announcement and the detailed release notes for further information. Download: SL.53.031809.DVD.i386.disc1.iso (4,009MB, SHA1), SL.53.031809.DVD.x86_64.disc1.iso (4,122MB, SHA1).