UbuntuLinux是一份完整的桌面Linux操作系统,它可免费获得,并带有社团及专业的支持。Ubuntu社团按照Ubuntu宣言里所铭记的思想而组建:软件应免费提供,软件工具应能以人们本地语种的形式可用且不牺牲任何功能,人们应拥有定制及改变他们软件的自由,这包括以任何他们认为适宜的方式。Ubuntu是一个古非洲语单词,意指对他人的博爱。Ubuntu Linux发行将这种博爱之心带到了软件的世界中。
Steve Langasek has announced the availability of the sixth and final alpha release of Ubuntu 9.04: "Welcome to Jaunty Jackalope Alpha 6, which will in time become Ubuntu 9.04." Not much information is available on this release; in fact, both the release announcement and release notesare almost exactly the same as for alpha 5. The only difference is thenumber of known issues - with alpha 6, two of the seven known issueshave been resolved, including the bug where the installer fails to tellthe kernel to reload the partition table during partitioning and theOEM configuration failure. But the "encrypted home directory" featurein the installer is still disabled and the new X.Org Server 1.6 stilldoesn't support the proprietary ATI driver. If you are still interestedin testing the new release, download (MD5) the live CD images from here: jaunty-desktop-i386.iso (698MB, torrent), jaunty-desktop-amd64.iso (693MB, torrent). The other members of the Ubuntu family have also entered alpha 6: Kubuntu (release notes, download), Xubuntu (download), Ubuntu Studio (download) and Mythbuntu (download).