Vista或者Windows 7? 微软建议商业用户忽略XP

微软向商业用户发布的现今Windows部署计划中措辞有了少许的变化,不再是之前的单纯的“Don’t wait for Windows 7”,更多的取决于用户的部署周期,但是该消息的底线是,不管你是决定使用Vista还是等待Windows 7,都没有停止使用Windows XP重要。

微软向商业用户发布的现今Windows部署计划中措辞有了少许的变化,不再是之前的单纯的“Don’t wait for Windows 7”,更多的取决于用户的部署周期,但是该消息的底线是,不管你是决定使用Vista还是等待Windows 7,都没有停止使用Windows XP重要。

上周笔者发布“XP, Vista, Win 7: The brewing of a perfect storm”的文章之后,一些读者认为我将事情复杂化,因为对于商业用户来说对这三款系统的选择是显而易见的。


微软Windows产品部经理Gavriella Schuster,在Windows团队博客上发布了“Guidance on Windows Deployments for Business Customers”,为商业用户提供详细的指导:

*  If you are running Windows 2000 in your environment: Migrate your Windows 2000 PCs to Windows Vista as soon as possible. Extended support for Windows 2000 ends Q2 2010, and as an enterprise customer, you may soon find your business’s critical applications are unsupported.
    * If you are in the process of planning or deploying Windows Vista: Continue your Windows Vista SP1 deployment. If you’re really in the early stages or just starting on Windows Vista, plan to test and deploy Windows Vista SP2 (on target to RTM Q2 2009). Moving onto Windows Vista now will allow for an easier transition to Windows 7 in the future due to the high degree of compatibility.
    * If you are on Windows XP now and are undecided about which OS to move to: Make sure you taken into consideration the risk of skipping Windows Vista, which I am discussing below. And know that deploying Windows Vista now will make the future transition to Windows 7 easier.
    * If you are on Windows XP now and are waiting for Windows 7: Make sure you take into consideration the risks of skipping Windows Vista, and plan on starting an early evaluation of Windows 7 for your company using the beta that’s available now. Testing and remediating applications on Windows Vista will ease your Windows 7 deployment due to the high degree of compatibility.

据估计71%的商业PC仍然使用着XP,微软建议从XP升级也就不奇怪,Windows 7和Vista的最大对手不是Linux或者Mac OS X,而是XP。

Schuster称,“我并不是拥护Vista或者Windows 7,我只是说他们应该停止使用XP。”

微软将从今年4月份开始停止对XP SP2的支持,2014年之前停止对SP3的支持,他还称,许多软件开发商已经开始逐步停止对他们的XP程序提供支持。

“一般来说,企业在他们的系统环境部署500-5000款不同的软件,他们得清楚这些软件在XP上能提供多久的支持,而独立软件开发商将为这些程序提供Windows 7新版本。”




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责任编辑:张燕妮 来源: cnBeta

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