gOS 3.1 Gadgets (SP1) 发布

系统 Linux
gOS并不是“Google OS”的意思,它也与Google公司没有任何正式的关系,gOS 实际上是“Good OS ” 的意思,由美国的Good OS LLC 公司所研发。它是以前热卖的 Everex 系列的超低价电脑预装的操作系统。

部分Linux 用户看见了gOS 的界面和它预装的软件后可能为认为 gOS 是 Google 开发的 Linux 的发行版,因为它预装了大量的Google 软件,而且界面风格也相当Google 。其实 gOS 并不是“Google OS”的意思,它也与Google公司没有任何正式的关系,gOS 实际上是“Good OS ” 的意思,由美国的Good OS LLC公司所研发。它是以前热卖的Everex 系列的超低价电脑预装的操作系统。

gOS 的提供 iBar 程序条上轻松访问的 Google 网络应用程序:GMail 电子邮件服务, Google 新闻 , Google Docs在线办公应用 , Google 日程表 , Google 地图 , YouTube在线视频 , Blogger博客服务等等。 gOS 一直致力于为用户提供高质量的开箱即用的体验,系统对资源的占用小,操作想对简单,因此在华硕 Eee PC 等 netbook 上使用有较强的优势。

gOS 的部分截图



gOS 3.1 Gadgets (SP1) 主要预装了以下的软件

Wine allows you to run thousands of Windows applications under Linux including popular titles like Adobe Photoshop, Internet Explorer, and World of Warcraft. Usually thought of as a Microsoft Windows emulator, Wine developers would prefer that users thought of Wine as a Windows compatibility layer for Linux.
 Google Gadgets
Use Google ‘Gadgets’ on gOS - Install 3rd party Widgets to your desktop, code your own, or play around with the array of built-in gadgets!
 Mozilla Prism
Prism is a new application from mozilla that splits web applications out of their browser and runs them directly on the gOS desktop.
Included: Google Mail, Google Calendar, Google Documents, and YouTube
OpenOffice.org is a multiplatform and multilingual office suite and an open-source project. Compatible with all other major office suites, the product is free to download, use, and distribute.
 Mozilla Firefox 3.0
The award-winning Web browser is now faster, more secure, and fully customizable to your online life.
Talk, listen, watch, read, and write to anyone, anywhere in the world without worrying about cost, distance or time. With Skype you can Make free Skype-to-Skype calls – any time of day, any day of the week, anywhere in the world

感谢来自Ownlinux.cn:gOS 3.1 Gadgets (SP1) 发布的稿件。

责任编辑:xikder 来源: OwnLinux.cn

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