#Import Numpy library
import numpy as np
#set seed for reproducability
#We will first initialize the weights and bias needed and store them in a dictionary called W_B
def initialize(num_f, num_h, num_out):
Description: This function randomly initializes the weights and biases of each layer of the neural network
Input Arguments:
num_f - number of training features
num_h -the number of nodes in the hidden layers
num_out - the number of nodes in the output
W_B - A dictionary of the initialized parameters.
#randomly initialize weights and biases, and proceed to store in a dictionary
W_B = {
'W1': np.random.randn(num_h, num_f),
'b1': np.zeros((num_h, 1)),
'W2': np.random.randn(num_out, num_h),
'b2': np.zeros((num_out, 1))
return W_B
#We will now proceed to create functions for each of our activation functions
def relu (Z):
Description: This function performs the relu activation function on a given number or matrix.
Input Arguments:
Z - matrix or integer
relu_Z - matrix or integer with relu performed on it
relu_Z = np.maximum(Z,0)
return relu_Z
def sigmoid (Z):
Description: This function performs the sigmoid activation function on a given number or matrix.
Input Arguments:
Z - matrix or integer
sigmoid_Z - matrix or integer with sigmoid performed on it
sigmoid_Z = 1 / (1 + (np.exp(-Z)))
return sigmoid_Z
#We will now proceed to perform forward propagation
def forward_propagation(X, W_B):
Description: This function performs the forward propagation in a vectorized form
Input Arguments:
X - input training examples
W_B - initialized weights and biases
forward_results - A dictionary containing the linear and activation outputs
#Calculate the linear Z for the hidden layer
Z1 = np.dot(X, W_B['W1'].T) + W_B['b1']
#Calculate the activation ouput for the hidden layer
A = relu(Z1)
#Calculate the linear Z for the output layer
Z2 = np.dot(A, W_B['W2'].T) + W_B['b2']
#Calculate the activation ouput for the ouptu layer
Y_pred = sigmoid(Z2)
#Save all ina dictionary
forward_results = {"Z1": Z1,
"A": A,
"Z2": Z2,
"Y_pred": Y_pred}
return forward_results
- 从传递中获取结果,如下所示:
forward_results = forward_propagation(X, W_B)
Z1 = forward_results['Z1']
A = forward_results['A']
Z2 = forward_results['Z2']
Y_pred = forward_results['Y_pred']
- 获得训练样本的数量,如下所示:
no_examples = X.shape[1]
- 计算函数的损失:
L = (1/no_examples) * np.sum(-Y_true * np.log(Y_pred) - (1 - Y_true) * np.log(1 - Y_pred))
- 计算每个参数的梯度,如下所示:
dLdZ2= Y_pred - Y_true
dLdW2 = (1/no_examples) * np.dot(dLdZ2, A.T)
dLdb2 = (1/no_examples) * np.sum(dLdZ2, axis=1, keepdims=True)
dLdZ1 = np.multiply(np.dot(W_B['W2'].T, dLdZ2), (1 - np.power(A, 2)))
dLdW1 = (1/no_examples) * np.dot(dLdZ1, X.T)
dLdb1 = (1/no_examples) * np.sum(dLdZ1, axis=1, keepdims=True)
- 将梯度下降所需的计算梯度存储在字典中:
gradients = {"dLdW1": dLdW1,
"dLdb1": dLdb1,
"dLdW2": dLdW2,
"dLdb2": dLdb2}
- 返回损耗和存储的梯度:
return gradients, L
def backward_propagation(X, W_B, Y_true):
'''Description: This function performs the backward propagation in a vectorized form
Input Arguments:
X - input training examples
W_B - initialized weights and biases
Y_True - the true target values of the training examples
gradients - the calculated gradients of each parameter
L - the loss function
# Obtain the forward results from the forward propagation
forward_results = forward_propagation(X, W_B)
Z1 = forward_results['Z1']
A = forward_results['A']
Z2 = forward_results['Z2']
Y_pred = forward_results['Y_pred']
#Obtain the number of training samples
no_examples = X.shape[1]
# Calculate loss
L = (1/no_examples) * np.sum(-Y_true * np.log(Y_pred) - (1 - Y_true) * np.log(1 - Y_pred))
#Calculate the gradients of each parameter needed for gradient descent
dLdZ2= Y_pred - Y_true
dLdW2 = (1/no_examples) * np.dot(dLdZ2, A.T)
dLdb2 = (1/no_examples) * np.sum(dLdZ2, axis=1, keepdims=True)
dLdZ1 = np.multiply(np.dot(W_B['W2'].T, dLdZ2), (1 - np.power(A, 2)))
dLdW1 = (1/no_examples) * np.dot(dLdZ1, X.T)
dLdb1 = (1/no_examples) * np.sum(dLdZ1, axis=1, keepdims=True)
#Store gradients for gradient descent in a dictionary
gradients = {"dLdW1": dLdW1,
"dLdb1": dLdb1,
"dLdW2": dLdW2,
"dLdb2": dLdb2}
return gradients, L
本文转载 小白遇见AI ,作者:小烦