NL2Plan: 基于最小文本描述的鲁棒性大模型驱动任务规划 精华
在AI规划领域,传统的规划器(如Fast Downward)虽然功能强大,但它们需要将输入任务建模为PDDL(Problem Domain Definition Language)格式,这是一个繁琐且容易出错的过程。相比之下,使用大型语言模型(LLMs)进行规划可以接受几乎任何文本输入,但不保证计划的质量和完整性。为了结合这两种方法的优点,一些研究工作开始利用LLMs自动化PDDL创建过程的部分内容。然而,这些方法仍然需要不同程度的专家输入。
- 类型提取 (Type Extraction):
- 利用LLM定义任务中应包含的对象类型。
- 例如,对于物流规划问题,可能需要定义城市、位置、机场、飞机、卡车和包裹等类型。
- 层次结构构建 (Hierarchy Construction):
- 组织在类型提取步骤中定义的类型,形成层级结构。
- 确定哪些类型是其他类型的子类型,例如,飞机和卡车可以是车辆的子类型。
- 动作提取 (Action Extraction):
- 描述基于已定义类型和世界知识,任务中应该可用的动作。
- 动作以名称、描述和使用示例的形式呈现,LLM还可以推理出应包含哪些其他动作。
- 动作构建 (Action Construction):
- LLM一次定义一个动作,生成其参数、前提条件和效果。
- 动态创建新谓词以供当前和后续动作使用,并通过自动验证工具进行验证。
- 任务提取 (Task Extraction):
- 生成PDDL问题规范,包括对象、初始状态和目标条件。
- 接受自然、非结构化的初始状态和目标条件描述,与以前的方法相比,NL2Plan不需要程序化和结构化地生成这些状态。
- 规划 (Planning):
- 使用经典规划器解决生成的PDDL任务。
- 如果规划器未能找到计划,NL2Plan会得出结论,即建模的PDDL任务无法解决,并返回“未找到计划”。
NL2Plan Step Prompt Schemas and Examples
- Type Extraction step
# Role
Your task is to identify the different types of objects which exist and are relevant in a domain. [Further task details.]
# Example
[Chain-of-Thought Example]
# Task
## Domain
The AI agent here is a logistics planner that has to plan to transport packages within the locations in a city through a truck and
between cities through an airplane. In a city, all the locations are connected. Similarly, cities are directly connected allowing airplanes
to travel between them. Also, there is no limit to how many packages a truck or plane can carry.
Currently, I’ve got four packages to ship. . .
## Types
First, we need types related to locations and transportation.
- city: Each city contains an airport and other locations.
- location: Places within cities trucks can visit.
- airport: A location where planes land and take off.
Next, we consider the transportation vehicles.
- plane: A type of vehicle used for transporting packages between cities.
- truck: A type of vehicle used for transporting packages within a city.
Lastly, we need the to define the items being transported.
- package: An item that needs to be transported from one location to another.
- Type Hierarchy step
# Role
Your task is to identify the different types of objects which exist and are relevant in a domain. [Further task details.]
# Example
[Chain-of-Thought Example]
# Task
## Domain
The AI agent here is a logistics planner that has to plan to transport packages within the locations in a city through a truck and
between cities through an airplane. In a city, all the locations are connected. Similarly, cities are directly connected allowing airplanes
to travel between them. Also, there is no limit to how many packages a truck or plane can carry.
Currently, I’ve got four packages to ship. . .
## Types
First, we need types related to locations and transportation.
- city: Each city contains an airport and other locations.
- location: Places within cities trucks can visit.
- airport: A location where planes land and take off.
Next, we consider the transportation vehicles.
- plane: A type of vehicle used for transporting packages between cities.
- truck: A type of vehicle used for transporting packages within a city.
Lastly, we need the to define the items being transported.
- package: An item that needs to be transported from one location to another.
- Action Extraction step
# Role
Your task is to identify what actions an AI Agent would have available in a domain. [Further task details.]
# Example
[Chain-of-Thought Example]
# Task
## Domain
The AI agent here is a logistics planner that has to plan to transport packages. . .
Currently, I’ve got four packages to ship. . .
- object: Everything is an object
- city: Each city contains. . .
- location: Places within cities. . .
- airport: A location where planes. . .
- vehicle: Vehicles transport packages.
- truck: A type of vehicle. . . .
- plane: A type of vehicle. . .
- package: An item that needs to. . .
###Package related actions
Packages need to be loaded onto vehicles and unloaded at the destination.
load package
A package is loaded onto a vehicle at a location. Requires that the package and the truck to be at the same location. Example:
package 1 is loaded onto truck 1 at location 1.
unload package
A package is unloaded from a vehicle at a location. Requires the package to be on the vehicle and the vehicle to be at the destination
location. Example: package 2 is unloaded from plane 1 at airport 1.
[Further headers and actions.]
- Action Construction step
# Role
You are defining the preconditions and effects (represented in PDDL format) of an AI agent’s actions. [Further task details.]
# Example
[Chain-of-Thought Example]
# Task
## Domain
The AI agent here is a logistics planner that has to plan to transport packages. . .
Currently, I’ve got four packages to ship. . .
- object: Everything is an object
- city: Each city contains. . .
- location: Places within cities. . .
- airport: A location where planes. . .
- vehicle: Vehicles transport packages.
- truck: A type of vehicle. . . .
- plane: A type of vehicle. . .
- package: An item that needs to. . .
## Future actions
The following actions will be defined later and together they make up the entire domain:
- load package: A package is loaded. . .
- unload package: A package is unloaded. . .
[Remaining actions.]
## Action
load package
A package is loaded onto a vehicle at a location. Requires that the package and the truck to be at the same location. Example:
package 1 is loaded onto truck 1 at location 1.
### Available Predicates
No predicate has been defined yet.
### Action Parameters
First, we need to know which vehicle and package are being loaded:
- ?v - vehicle: The vehicle being loaded.
- ?p - package: The package being loaded.
Lastly, we need to know where the loading is taking place:
- ?l - location: The location where the loading happens.
### Action Preconditions
To be able to load at ?l it’s specified that:
1: The vehicle is at the location.
2: The package is at the location.
For this we need a predicate:
- “at” to define where something is. This should work for both packages and vehicles, so let’s define “(at ?o - object ?l - location)”
Let’s specify this in PDDL:
(and ; All these have to hold
(at ?v ?l) ; The vehicle is at the location
(at ?p ?l) ; The package is at the location
### Action Effects
So, what happens when the action is performed?
- The package is no longer at the location
- The package is instead inside the vehicle
For this, we need a new predicate
- “loaded” to specify when and where a package is loaded. “(loaded ?p - package ?v - vehicle)”
Specifying this in PDDL we get:
(and ; All these have to hold
(not (at ?p ?l)) ; The package is not at the location
(loaded ?p ?v) ; The package is instead loaded in the vehicle
### New Predicates
We used two new predicates. Those have to be specified and re-iterated:
- (at ?o - object ?l - location): true if the object ?o (a vehicle or package) is at the location ?l
- (loaded ?p - package ?v - vehicle): true if the package ?p is loaded in the vehicle ?v
- Task Extraction step
# Role
Your task is to estimate the initial state and the goal state for a PDDL problem based on a domain description and the available
actions. [Further task details.]
# Example
[Chain-of-Thought Example]
# Task
## Domain
The AI agent here is a logistics planner that has to plan to transport packages. . .
Currently, I’ve got four packages to ship. Two are in a London storage and the rest in Paris. Those from London should be
sent to Addr1 in Berlin and to Addr2 in Paris. Those from Paris should both be moved to the London storage.
- object: Everything is an object
- city: Each city contains. . .
- location: Places within cities. . .
- airport: A location where planes. . .
- vehicle: Vehicles transport packages.
- truck: A type of vehicle. . . .
- plane: A type of vehicle. . .
- package: An item that needs to. . .
## Predicates
- (at ?o - object ?l - location): true if the object ?o (a vehicle or package) is at the location ?l
- (loaded ?p - package ?v - vehicle): true if the package ?p is loaded in the vehicle ?v
[Further predicates.]
## Object Instances
There are four packages. The first two start in London, and the remaining two start in Paris:
- L1 - package: The first London package
- L2 - package: The second London package
- P1 - package: The first Paris package
- P2 - package: The second Paris package
[Further object instances.]
## State
The London packages all start in the London storage:
(at L1 LStorage): The first London package location
(at L2 LStorage): The second London package location
[Further initial predicates.]
## Goal
The goal is for L1 to go to Addr1 and for L2 to be delivered to Addr2, as well as for both P1 and P2 to be transported to London
storage. Here’s how we can define the goal:
(and ; All these have to hold
(at L1 Addr1)) ; L1 is delivered
(at L2 Addr2)) ; L1 is delivered
(at P1 LStorage)) ; L1 is delivered
(at P2 LStorage)) ; L1 is delivered
NL2Plan: Robust LLM-Driven Planning from Minimal Text Descriptions
本文转载自 PaperAgent,作者: PaperAgent